
Recordando el legado de Gleda Estes: una pionera en el modelismo de cohetes


Gleda M. Estes

4 de marzo de 1932 - 30 de marzo de 2024

Con gran pesar nos despedimos de Gleda M. Estes, un ícono en el campo de la cohetería y defensora de la educación durante toda su vida y carrera. Gleda falleció pacíficamente el 30 de marzo de 2024 a la edad de 92 años, dejando atrás un legado que seguirá inspirando a las generaciones futuras.

Como cofundadora de Estes Industries, Gleda fue el principal apoyo y socia de Vern en su nueva aventura empresarial en el pasatiempo de la era espacial de los cohetes a escala. En sus inicios, Estes era una modesta empresa de pedidos por correo que creció rápidamente junto con el incipiente Programa Espacial de los EE. UU., encendiendo la imaginación de nuestro país y contribuyendo a los avances tecnológicos necesarios para hacer crecer el pasatiempo de los cohetes a escala. Sus agudas habilidades administrativas y su dedicación complementaron el ingenio técnico de Vern en el desarrollo de motores y modelos de cohetes a escala seguros y asequibles, haciendo que los cohetes a escala fueran accesibles para entusiastas de todas las edades. Las contribuciones de Gleda ayudaron a sentar las bases del movimiento de los cohetes a escala modernos, inspirando a innumerables personas a alcanzar las estrellas.

Además de sus notables logros en cohetería, Gleda fue una defensora apasionada de la educación. Reconoció la importancia de nutrir las mentes jóvenes y empoderar a las generaciones futuras para que persigan sus sueños. En honor a su compromiso de alentar a las mujeres jóvenes brillantes, su hija mayor, a través de la Asociación Nacional de Cohetería, estableció la Beca Gleda M. Estes, que brinda apoyo financiero a las estudiantes que cursan estudios en los campos de la ciencia, la tecnología, la ingeniería y las matemáticas (STEM).

Únase a nosotros para honrar y recordar a Gleda enviando sus deseos y compartiendo sus propios recuerdos especiales en esta página. Puede encontrar detalles sobre los servicios conmemorativos y otros arreglos en la pestaña "Servicios" a continuación y puede encontrar información sobre dónde enviar tarjetas y hacer donaciones en la parte inferior de esta página. Estes Industries continuará actualizando esta página de homenaje con historias y recuerdos cariñosos de Gleda Estes.

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Gleda shattered the glass ceiling before it had earned that name in corporate America. She ran the Estes Industries operation like a well owned oiled machine. Next time you launch a rocket think of her and press the launch button. She will always fly high in our hearts.

- Pat Fitzpatrick

There are no words adequate enough to express how much people will miss you Gleda or how much better the world is because of you and Vern. May God give you rewards in Heaven that you so richly deserve for a life so well lived here on earth.

- Art & Peg Nestor

Sadly, I never had the privilege of meeting Gleda face to face. Nonetheless, delving into her life's work and chronicling her story was an immense honor for me. My heartfelt condolences go out to Vern and the entire Estes family during this difficult time. May Gleda find eternal peace among the stars, and may her memory bring solace to those who loved her.

- Bria Yatsko

Gleda and her legacy have been a great source of inspiration for me in the time I have worked at Estes. I am honored to have had the opportunity to meet her. My thoughts are with Vern and his family at this time,

- Mallory Langford

What a gracious lady was Gleda. I always enjoyed seeing Gleda and talking with her at NAR events. I am happy to have been able to have done so not long ago in Pueblo, Colorado. My deepest sympathies to Vern and the family.

- Manning Butterworth

Gleda was loved and respected by all who knew her.

- Dane Boles

When I met Vern and Gleda back in the 80's, my relationship with the NAR was a kind of in-law situation. I had married into the hobby, and knew practically nothing about rocketry. But both of the Estes - Gleda especially - welcomed me, not just as a member of the family, but as though I were a long-lost and valued one. I learned over the years that followed that my experience was not exceptional; this was how Gleda (and Vern) treated people. She understood, without arrogance, that for model rocket hobbyists, she and Vern were rock stars. She saw how important she was to so many people, especially young people, and acted accordingly, with patience, kindness, generosity, and grace. I will always think of her with gratitude and admiration, as an example to follow.

- Judy Kaplow

I first met Gleda at a NARAM 53 in Ohio. What struck me first was how gracious and engaging she was. She asked me all kinds of details about my rockets and the competition making me feel like an expert - which I definitely was not! Then she noticed my hat with rocket pins and blew me away by giving me one of her pins from her lanyard. To this day, it is one of my most precious pieces of rocket memorabilia and accompanies me on most of my launches. She was a pioneer that will be truly missed in this hobby. Rest in peace, First Lady of rocketry.

- Jim Bassham

Gleda Estes was an amazing woman and influenced the lives of countless people in a positive way. She always treated me like family! She will be greatly missed.

- Gary Rosenfield

She was the rock behind Estes rockets. A remarkable life of commitment and compassion to our hobby. Look to the heavens and thank her at your next launch. Our family will!

- Thomas F Zachman

I never had the pleasure of meeting the Estes, but made my first purchases in the 1960's. They were always very pleasant to deal with and shared so much information freely.

- Joel

She sewed the first catalogs together - one of which I had for many years. Estes rockets changed my direction in life. She had a big part of that. Condolences -

- David Newill

Thank you for helping generation's enjoy model rocketry. A joy that I've passed on to my twin grandaughters last summer.

- John Alleman

She always had a smile.

- Douglas Curran

I grew up knowing Gleda thanks to various NARAMs. She was always the sweetest, making time for everyone. The last time I got to see her was at NARCON in 2018. My mom and I got this picture with her, and grateful to have that memory now.

- Renee (Feveryear) Howard

Thank you for launching countless dreams that reach for the stars. You are beloved by many. Peace be with the Estes family!

- Gayle Whitfield

One of my lifelong wishes was to meet Vern and Gleda Estes. My wife and I finally got this chance at the 2018 NSL in Geneseo, NY. My wife Amy was Vern and Gleda’s personal taxi for that launch. We became very fond and friendly with both of them. At the end of the launch, Gleda said to my wife and myself, “we will never forget you, please come and visit us.” And that we did, last year in May and August. Two wonderful people. May Gleda rest in peace and in God’s hands.

- Dan Michael

It was a real privilege and pleasure to get to know Gleda and Vern, first as a young rocketeer back in the 1960's, and then more recently when the three of us finally met in person at NSL 2018 in upstate NY. Here is a shot of their “fireside chat” presentation at the NSL banquet we hosted. Gleda was, as always, sharp as a tack so we all knew who really ran the show at Estes Industries! Her stewardship of her family will certainly be greatly missed. Gleda and Vern are two of the nicest, down to earth people it has been my privilege to know. ** Vern I know how much of a loss you, the girls, and your entire family are going through. Although this is a very difficult time for your entire family, you will always have precious memories of all of your years together with Gleda. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

- Gregory E Young

So many wonderful memories of the time we spent with Vern and Gleda. What the two of them have contributed to our lives has just been incredible.

- Steve Kristal

Farewell to the Official Grandmother of the National Association of Rocketry. A wonderful person and a good friend. It was my privilege to get to know her.

- Mark Johnson

Formal gown and tuxes! I had the pleasure to attend the Museum of Flight "Wings of Heroes Gala" in the spring of 2012 with Vern and Gleda. Vern was honored at this event.

- Bill Stine

I have so many fond memories of Gleda. I miss you already, Love Lisa

- Lisa Stine

I am deeply saddened to hear of Gleda's passing. I remember reading Model Rocket News articles which described her vital role in running the company in the 1960s. I had the honor of finally meeting the Estes at Narcon in 2015. Deepest condolences to Vern and their daughter.

- Stefan Jones

Remembering Gleda.

My favorite personal Gleda Estes story happened at NARAM-58 in Missouri. I was a meeting room picking up my registration packet and checking in. There were about 30-40 people in the room and I was halfway back in the room from the doorway. Vern and Gleda walked in the room and many folks in the room walked over to greet them. I saw that it may be awhile before I would get a chance to speak with Vern and Gleda so I decided to leave the room. As I was doing this a voice called out:

"Bob Sanford! Where are you going?!"

It was Gleda. She somehow had noticed me among all the other people. I walked over to her and she gave me a hug. We did some small talk and I said 'Hi' to Vern before the both of them turned their attention to someone else.

Gleda was amazing.

My condolences to the Estes family and all their friends. I had been looking forward to seeing her again at NARAM-65.

- Bob Sanford

Yes. She was just as important as Vern in running the company, and had a large part in their success. When I was working there, the old timers joked that if you wanted to get a new pencil, you had to turn it your old stubby one to her. She ran a tight ship.

- Matt Steele

She always knew that girls could do as well as boys in model rocketry. When the first wave of "Apollo" rocketeers had daughters, it was a vindication of her beliefs. She was quite proud the year that the top four places in B division all went to girls. She treated them as if they were all her granddaughters (which, in a way, she was). Emma Kristal, Carrie Steele, Katie Steele, Cassidy Steele, Rachel Nowak, Rachel Kaplow, and Amanda Boadway were all part of that group.

And if you look around at the top 100 teams at ARC, you will see that the majority are girls.

- Matt Steele

Gleda was a truly delightful lady, always very kind to us, and particularly to my son - always asking about him first when we met, even into his adulthood. With many others, I was very much hoping to see her at NARAM this year. I will miss her. The photo is from NARAM 55 in Cleveland, 2013. The photo is perhaps an odd choice, but I saw so much affection between them, just standing watching the rockets fly on a lovely (if chilly for August!) day.

- Lynn Thomas

May God be with the family. Got my first Estes model rocket in the mid sixties.

- Michael Mittelsteadt

Gleda was a true role model for women nd girl rocketeers and so many benefited from her generosity and supportive words to pursue science and rocketry. When NARAM was in Seattle, Gleda spent time with our daughter and really encouraged her to continue in rocketry, which she did and eventually got her Jr. Level 1 cert. She will be missed and our thoughts and prayers are with Vern and the Estes family.

- Alex Juchems

It was a great privilege to meet Gleda and Vern. Gleda has always been friendly and caring. She will certainly be missed! Sending condolences to Vern in this time of sorrow.

- Avis Cawley

Ceremonia de homenaje a Gleda Estes

Domingo 4 de agosto de 2024
18:00 - 20:00 horas

Campus de los Estes Rockets
1295 H St. Penrose, Colorado 81240

Homenaje conmemorativo | 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Recepción y refrigerio ligero | 19:00 a 20:00 h

- Se sugiere vestimenta informal elegante -

En lugar de flores, considere hacer una donación a la Asociación Nacional de Cohetería en memoria de Gleda.
Beca Gleda M. Estes para el avance de las mujeres jóvenes en STEM
Si prefiere realizar su donación por correo, envíela a:

Sede de la NAR
Apartado Postal 260
Middletown, Virginia 22645-0260

Asegúrese de indicar en la línea de nota del cheque que la donación es para
Fondo de Becas Gleda M. Estes .

Las tarjetas y cartas se pueden enviar por correo a:

La familia Estes
Calle H 1295
Penrose, Colorado 81240