1505 A10-PT Engine
A10 Model Rocket Engine Thrust Curve Chart
Model Rocket Thrust Curve Example

Motores A10-PT

SKU: 001505


4 – Motores A10-PT
4 – Entrantes
4 – Tapones de arranque

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Descripción general

El motor Estes A10-PT es un motor enchufado diseñado para su uso en los autos Estes Blurzz y los planeadores de impulso. Cada paquete incluye 4 motores, 4 arrancadores y 4 bujías de arranque.

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Descripción general

Estes A10-PT Rocket Engine Pack

Cohetes compatibles

Especificaciones técnicas

Especificaciones técnicas

  • Impulso total

2,50 N-s
  • Tiempo de retardo

  • Peso máximo de elevación

3,0 onzas (85 g)
  • Empuje máximo

13,00 Newton (2,9 libras)
  • Duración del empuje

0,80 segundos
  • Longitud

4,6 cm (1,8 pulg.)
  • Diámetro

  • Peso

0,26 onzas (7,4 gramos)
  • Peso del propulsor

3,5 g (0,13 onzas)
A10 Model Rocket Engine Thrust Curve Chart

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Andrew Sidwell

This engine is good with the Blurzz dragster, but it is a little weak. The dragster still has not reached the end of its track.

David Montgomery
I used 4 of the A10-PT's as the outboard engines

I used 4 of the A10-PT's as the outboard engines (along with a D12 core) for my Estes Maxi-Brute Star Wars X-Wing that was entered for the Science Fiction/Future Scale NAR Regional meet at JSC in 2005. Launch and boost was a success, but the ending could have been better. The A10-PT was perfect for this application.

Jonathan Charbonneau
My question is this: How can the thrust duration be

My question is this: How can the thrust duration be 0.8 seconds when the total impulse is 2.5 newton-seconds and the average thrust is 10 newtons? The duration in seconds must be one tenth the total impulse in newtons-seconds for the average thrust to be 10 newtons.