Estes C5-3 Model Rocket Engines
Estes C5-3 Package and Rocket
Estes C5-3 1617 Single Engine
Estes C5 Engine Thrust Curve Chart
Model Rocket Thrust Curve Example

Motores C5-3

Código: 001617


3 – Motores C5-3
4 – Entrantes
4 – Bujías de arranque

TENGA EN CUENTA: Debe tener una dirección física para la entrega.

Descripción general

El motor Estes C5-3 significa un aumento del 50 % en el empuje máximo en comparación con un motor C estándar y la potencia que necesita para impulsar esos cohetes más pesados ​​fuera de la plataforma. El Super C es una excelente opción para pájaros más grandes y para cohetes de carga útil, como los que se utilizan para la producción de huevos de competición, que necesitan ese empuje adicional.

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Descripción general

Estes C5-3 Model Rocket Engines

Cohetes compatibles

Especificaciones técnicas

Especificaciones técnicas

  • Impulso total

10.00 N-seg
  • Tiempo de retardo

3 segundos
  • Peso máximo de elevación

8,0 onzas
  • Empuje máximo

20,40 Newton (4,6 libras)
  • Duración del empuje

1,85 segundos
  • Longitud

2,8 pulgadas (7 cm)
  • Diámetro

  • Peso

0,83 onzas (23,6 gramos)
  • Peso del propulsor

11 g (0,39 onzas)
C5 Model Rocket Engine Thrust Curve Chart

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews

Absolutely a great powerful engine! Extremely reliable and powerful enough to provide a dependable flight! This engine delivers an incredible amount of thrust to propel just about any rocket to amazing heights! I highly recommend the great Estes C5-3 engine to consistently provide reliability & efficiency for amazing flights for Estes rockets that demand this engine that Elon Musk would be proud of!!!!

extra powerful

the Super in these "Super C" motors definitely gives the rockets a nice extra push UP

Paul Hurtt
C5-3: Great engine!

Used the C5-3 on my 3rd flight of my " Boosted Bertha" 2nd stage. The C5-3 on the 3rd flight put it almost out of sight! My Grandson who launched it shouted out loud when the 2nd stage ignited. You could hear it on the ground! The smoke trail was easy to see. ' Chute deployed as advertised. Unfortunately our Boosted Bertha was grabbed by a rocket eating tree as it floated down to earth. No chance of getting it back. :-(