Paquete de lanzamiento de Falcon 9

Código: F9BNDL

Incluye todo lo que necesitas para lanzar tu modelo.

  • Plataforma de lanzamiento Porta-Pad II
  • Controlador de lanzamiento Pro Series II (baterías no incluidas)
  • 1 paquete de motores C6-3
  • 1 paquete de iniciadores Startech
  • 1 paquete de guata de recuperación

Cohete Falcon 9 NO incluido

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    Customer Reviews

    Based on 3 reviews
    Jira Lala

    I don't understand why these models don't have standard scales.

    Wei Wang
    1.5v Alkaline C batteries are not included in the pack, So not everything you need!

    Launch was good. However, the description is deceptive and will waste your time, as it doesn’t include the 6 1.5v Alkaline batteries required for the launch! Either fixing it in the pack or fixing the description to avoid disappointments.

    Nibor nitram

    Have been building and launching since 1970ish. Was mail-order back then. Oh the thrill of waiting on the mailman. And to begin with plain tubes and sheets of balsa. The potential was endless. Always wanted the camera but could never afford being one of nine kids in family. I have to admit I've never lost the love of building and launching even now approaching my 70the birthday. The number of trainees I've taught is large. Can't wait to get me a starship. Spacex rocks